This Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)may be a tiny bird, but it makes one of the longest migratory journey for a bird of its size. This bird landed on board, when my ship was en route to Egypt (Mediterranean coast), the bird like its ancestors was on its way to sub Sahara Africa, from Europe. These birds like all their ancestors fly down to Sub Saharan Africa to spend their winter and return back to Europe and central Asia for Autumn. Even birds as far as from Canada and Greenland, even if they were born there, migrate to Africa to spend their Winter.The bird was pretty wary of my presence and maintained a pretty large distance from me.
All three photographs were clicked in bright light and the Grey metallic surface of the ship reflects lots of light under exposing the subject. Hence I generally keep the camera on spot metering and read the light of the darker part of the bird ( not necessarily the darkest)
Photo details : 1. f/5.6; 1/1000 sec ; ISO 100 ; 300mm
2. f/5.6; 1/400 sec ; ISO 100 ; 300mm
3. f/5.6 ; 1/250 sec ; ISO 100 ; 300 mm
wow..most of the opening year entry are mostly on birds