Of all the birds, that landed on board, the one that amused me the most was this Long Eared Owl (
Asio otus ). It not only let me do a close inspection of its plumage but also didn't mind me spending about 45 minutes close to him. The bird was probably migrating to Africa from Europe or had landed on board chasing scores of tiny birds, like the Chiffchaff and Chats.
Approached the bird slowly, walking on my knees. The bird was waiting for darkness to set in, so that it could go about hunting the scores of tiny birds that had landed on board. I didn't see it hunting though and can only speculate about it.
Photo details:
1. f/5.4 ; 1/4000 sec ; ISO 100 ; 300 mm
all other Images at ISO 400 and f/5.4
Very beautiful pictures.. nice photography..nice bird too!
ReplyDeleteFantastic bird. You seem to see more birds on board than we see on land here!
ReplyDeleteThank you Jason and Tom for your comments
ReplyDeleteWoah, how absolutely a wonderful time you must have had being able to observe this special owl in such a close way. Wonder why it decided to land on the boat anyway, so glad that it did~ Great post and images shared~ Thanks~ btw, I remain quite envious of those whom have these amazing finds, when it is a rather slow time in my area of living...