Black Kite (
Milvus migrans) is as large brown hawk and can be easily distinguished from similar birds by its forked tail. This is India's commonest raptor and found in most cities and towns. The bird is a masterful flier and scoops down of food scraps even in traffic congested roads avoiding the mess of telephone and electricity wires with ease. From earthworm to young disabled birds, from termites to lizards it eats it all and generally engages in regular tiffs with the local crow population. The bird spends a lot of time in air, circling in the sky and makes effective use of thermals for soaring.
Continuing from the previous post:
Mistake 3 :
Not Shading my lense:
Lense flare occurs when light hits the
lense at an angle and starts bouncing around the inside of the
lense. This causes light to do
weird tricks including reducing contrast and making the photograph look hazy or sometimes even creating halos. Use the
lense hood to prevent this , in a compact camera you can even use your hand to shade the
lense. Just hold your hand cupped around the
lense, in the direction of the strongest light source.
Ex. Both the photographs above were taken on the same day, from the same place and nearly at the same location. The first photograph was clicked as soon as I reached the spot and started to click,
forgetting to fit in the hood. I fitted it once I noticed my mistake. Its only when I uploaded the photograph on the computer did I realise the difference the hood could make and felt it would be a nice example to put it up.
Sony A350 , 300mm , f/5.6 ,ISO 100 ,spot metering,