The temperature was low and the wind added to the misery of people like me who venture out with a camera, but without warm clothes. This pigeon though seemed very comfortable with its warm coat of feathers, until a Myna landed close to it and had a tiff for space.
In the second photograph, I have purposely placed the bird to the left side of the frame so that the right of the frame would get a white background. Placing the bird at the center of the frame wasn't a good idea because of the distraction towards the left of the frame. Despite being cautious about the same, the yellow marker of the lifebuoy is still slightly visible. The photograph was clicked at sunset and the light of the setting sun gave the image lovely warm tones. The first photograph has a slight bluish cast, because of the early morning sun and haze.
For birds like the pigeon, which are not very active, one generally finds ample time to set up the tripod and frame the photograph at leisure cause the bird does not budge easily.
Photographs captured off the Iran Coast.