A male "Variable Glider" dragonfly; common name of 'Rhyothemis variegata', because of its coloured wings the dragonfly can be mistaken for a butterfly. Photographed in Mangalore when it was resting on the leaf of a coconut palm.
The branch in the foreground is distracting, I tried my best to get it out of the frame. But this was the best I could do, without distracting the bear in its abode. This bear is today in the Threatened list of animals.
I just wish the water was clean around the crocodile, the reflection of the jaw on the water would have come better, but this is wild territory and cant expect a studio setting.
A Python, which was drying itself in the sun caught my eye. The wet body of the reptile gave it a nice shine and I could not miss to Photograph a chance like this.
I struggled hard for this photograph, Mostly because I was determined to get light reflected off the eye of this Russel's Viper. Since it was slithering, it actually helped me capture the eye in different angels.
This snake had camouflaged so well, that I almost did not see it . Though this snake is venomous, the venom is mild and causes swelling in humans, which subsides after a few days. Photographed with maximum aperture to blur out the background.
This Butterfly belongs to the "Crows and Tigers" subfamily of the brushfooted butterfly family. The male Plain Tiger which is featured here is smaller than the female, but more brightly coloured. Outside Asia this Butterfly is called the African Monarch.